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Spiritual Chat 20 - Original Version                            About Spiritual Chat 20
Title: "Learn To Stick To Bawa Within You", Date: August 26, 2002
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi Smith

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. 

May God help us all.  My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Text of Spiritual Chat 20


Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum, my dearest sister Rumi. My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Rumismith: Wa alaikum al-salam, dear Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen.


Have you had a chance to read the letters that we have been sending to you, and to our brothers and sisters on the Fellowship Mailing List?


Yes, Al-hamdu lillah.  Thank you for the beautiful letters you have sent to me and the other letters. Indeed they are enriching to the heart of this child. Bawa is moving us forward on a steady but fast go.


We are still working on the E-mail version of Spiritual Letter 27 - "The Three Judgments by God", to Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket).  The 4 page of the 
Web Page version
are done but we have only sent out the first page of the E-mail version. 

Bawa keeps changing it, adding to it, enhancing it, making it more wonderful with each revision.  Just like what He is doing to each of us.


Yes indeed. When we visited your house a few weeks ago, the day after, we heard Bawa so clearly giving us directions and we then decided not to go to Maine with the little boy we were watching, and ever after things just started to happen.


Yes, that is the way.  If we will only let Him.  If we will only let Him destroy us and reveal Him.  If we will only let Him destroy our "separation from" Him and His "separation from" us, and reveal our "Oneness with" Him and His "Oneness with" Us. 

If we will only let Him destroy our life of "separation and differences" and reveal our life of Oneness and Unity, of Justice and Truth, of Compassion and Unity.  If we will only
let Him
cure us.


Yes, it is becoming easier for this child to let be whatever happens and be content with it, trusting that God is the doer of all things.


Muhammad Hussain (John Barnett) sent us some pictures of the Boston Retreat, and it was as if by looking at the pictures this child had attended.  It is amazing how much in truth we are all One.


Whatever is going on is really going on within us, so in truth there is no place to go, because we are already everyone, and everywhere, and everything that is happening to everyone, everywhere. 

What a wonder is this God of ours and what He is doing, and His gift to us in this age, the gift of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us living in this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).


Yes, we  know that, and are experiencing that, but it is so comforting to hear it from you.


Bawa told us before He died that He would come back into the world 16 years from the time He left the world, which is now.  But the question is, would people recognize Him? 

For this child, that is what has happened to all of us, in the last few months, Bawa has come back, and is trying to finish pulling us into His heart, asking us to make His life within us, our life. Asking us to make His work within us, our work.  Asking us to make His understanding within us, our understanding.  This is why everything has changed in all of us, all of a sudden.

Time for a short story?

Rumismith: Yes please.


When my father died, my mother became very sick for twenty some years, and then all of a sudden she got better.  I asked Bawa why, and Bawa told me that my father had gone back, that for 24 years after he died he had been haunting my mother, but now the angel of death had come for him, and as a result, his going to his judgment had broken this sick connection between him and my mother. 


Like this, what happens to all of us is only movement, never really death, and Bawa leaving the world was just that, just movement, and His coming back now, 16 years later, is also just that, just movement.  We must realize this about Him and about us, before it is too late to do anything about it, because we have died or because we have become too old to make the proper movement with Him.

The trick is to join with Him in His current movement, in His current movement of returning to the world within us, to join with Him in His current place within us, which is within our mind and desire, before He moves again, before He leaves this world within us again, and returns to the Kingdom of God within us.

In this way, if we successfully join with him now within us, before we die or before He moves again, we can leave the earth world or dunya within us with Him, as One with God within Him.

By joining with our Shaikh within us, we can leave our current life in the world of "separation and differences" with our brothers and sisters, in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, a life that in truth is the darkness of the world within us, we can leave our current state as "separate from" God within us, that we are now experiencing as our temporary life and state, that we will get as our
life and state when we die, if we have failed to leave this temporary life and state before we die.

If we join with our Shaikh within us, before we die, we can leave our current life and state within us and become One with His life and state within us, no longer living in our mind and desire, no longer as the sifat or form of the dunya, of the earth world within us, that is our current experience, but rather as the light of God in our innermost heart, in the kingdom of God within us, in the 8th heaven or firdaus of Muhammad (Sal.) within us, in the hereafter or akhirah within us, becoming in this way, One with His life and state within us, which is the Oneness of God and True Man within us, for eternity.

But we must do this before we die, and before He moves within us again, or we will have to experience the suffering of the grave and Qiyamah, the Standing forth or Day of Reckoning within us, which is the fate of everyone living in the 71st and the 72nd groups of man when they die, which is those who die trusting and loving in God but
trusting and loving in the world, the fate of those who fail to move up to the 73rd group within us before they die, the one group within us who love and trust in God alone, the only group within us that is acceptable to God within us. 

My dearest loving sister Rumi, it is this finding and sticking to Him, to Bawa within us, to our wisdom within us, that allows us to travel with Him, to leave our life of "separation and differences", to leave our life and state in our mind and desire, when He leaves our mind and desire within, and returns to our innermost heart within us, within each of His Children within us. 

This is why Bawa teaches us, on page 9 in the "Invocation to Allah", in the book,

          "See, there is room for as many minds as you look.
          Those with deep clarity have good conduct.
          See the blossoming flower over there,
          it contains a sweet fragrance!"

In this way, allowing us to live the life that He is living within us, in our heart, for eternity, that allows us to leave our current life in the world with our brothers and sisters, in the world of darkness within us, that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, and live forever in the world of light within us, as One with Him and with God within Him.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.


And we do this sticking to Him, to Bawa within us, by getting Him to use us to complete what He is doing within all of us, within everyone living in this age.  And we do this, by demonstrating to Him, over and over again, by our thoughts, actions, and intentions each day, that we truly want His life of "oneness with" God, and not our current life of "separation from" God.


And we do this, by falling into the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and we do this by spending each day, each waqt, each hour, each moment of our day immersed within the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).


Al-hamdu lillah. This is so soothing to this heart.

          "....And we do this, by demonstrating to Him, over and over again, by our
          thoughts, actions, and intentions each day, that we truly want His life of
          "oneness with" God, and not our current life of "separation from" God."


And we do this, by dialoging with Bawa, by asking Him over and over again, in each thing that we do, is this right, is this Ok, what do we do next, what was the point of this or that, and in this way, making our life His to be led, making our body His to be used, making our mind His to understand

And as this child has personally experienced in a little way, your life starts to change into His life, your thoughts, intentions, and actions, start to change into His thoughts, His intentions, and His actions. 

What a wonder is this God of ours, and the gift of God for our age, the gift of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us(may God be pleased with Him).  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.


We both need to strengthen our resolve to live in this way, to conduct ourselves in this way, to think, intend, act, and do duty in this way, my dearest loving sister Rumi.  Then we will find peace in our life, and our brothers and sisters will find peace in our peace.


It is all about Iman, about our faith, certitude, and determination in God, our absolute, complete, unshakable faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists, the complete acceptance of the heart that God is One.


Yes, thank you so much for reinforcing this, we need to hear this. What a gift, it truly shows if we take one step God takes 10 steps. Al-hamdu lillah.


Bawa teaches us that this is what nourishes the Ruh, the soul, our Iman.  This has to be our focus.  When we are doing anything, get out of doing it, instead make it what God is doing within you, within Bawa within you, make it what Bawa is doing within you, within God within you. 

Since this is the truth of your life, of all of our lives, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, if we join with this reality within us then we become this reality within us, and the dream of us ends, the dream of us as "separate from" God, from Bawa, from our brothers and sisters, from the Creation of God within us, ends.

Rumismith: And then we will be freeeeeee.


Careful.  Who will be freeeeeeee? 

Remember, the closer you draw toward God the more everything within you will rise up to kill you, to do battle with you, and they do that because by drawing closer to God you are bring them into the light of God, which will destroy the darkness within you that is their life. 

So realize that all of the suffering, pain, difficulties, and dangers that you experience are what move you forward, as long as you can "endure the cure", as long as you don't complain, as long as you let it come, and let it go, as long as you hand it to your wisdom within you, to your Shaikh within you, to Bawa within you, and place you faith and trust in God within you. 

In this way, make "you" God's problem, not your problem, and spend your day handing "you" to God, so God within you can solve His problem, which is you, allowing God within you to transform His problem, which is "you" as "separate from" God, into the solution to God's problem within you, which is "you" as "One with" God within you. 

Then you will find peace in your life, peace within the peace of God within you, as you end, as you as "separate from" God ends, and you begin, as you as "One with" God begins. Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.


Yes, Al-hamdu lillah, there are even times when we are thankful for the cure. So much has changed since we started dialoguing. 


Don't want to be free, don't want anything.  Let your life end, so the life of God within you can come forward, and complete God's intention within you.  Don't want anything.

Let your knowing that God knows be enough.  Let what God has in store for you, for everything that He has placed within you be Ok by you. Put out of you the idea of you, and replace it with the idea of God, of what God does, of how God is, of the nature of God, of His love and qualities within you, of the Ideals of God, of how He Creates, Rules, and Sustains everything within you, which is everything there is, in the 18,000 universes within you, within the 14 worlds within you.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.


This is our true life, a life that is "One with" God, that is One with everything of God, and a life that has discarded everything that God has discarded, by letting God discard it all again, but this time within us. 

Only God can complete this intention within us, so let Him do it, let Him do what only He can do within you, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within you, which is the dunya or this earth world within us, allowing True Man within you to reveal God within the creation of True Man within you, which is akhirah, the hereafter within us.


Al-hamdu lillah. Just before the computer crashed we were writing how we hear in Bawa's discourses over and over not to want anything, that the distance between us and God is the extend of our desires.

And we realized that 'not wanting anything'  is still a desire. And now things are happening without the 'I'.

(Note: "Not wanting anything" is only a desire if it is a thought of our mind and desire, of the nafs ammarah within us, of our seven kinds of base desires, but if it a realization of our wisdom, coming out of La illaha - there is nothing other than God, then it is not a desire, but  but an affirmation of the truth within us, that "only God exists", or
, the principle tenet of Islam, the "Affirmation of the unity of Allah", an affirmation of the truth within our Shaikh or wisdom within us, that can move our life forward on the path of God, that is the difference) 


And we let Him do it by not getting in His way, by not doing the things that would stop Him from doing it within us, by having a personal agenda, by wanting something for ourselves, even by wanting God for ourselves, or wisdom for ourselves, or truth for ourselves, or the qualities and actions of God for ourselves. 

It won't work that way.  We  have to give it all up so He can live, not us.  So He can do, not us.  So He can understand, not us.  We must become content in His accomplishments within us, with "us" as "One with" Him, not in our accomplishments within "us", within "us" as "separate from" Him.

Let Rumi as "separate from" God end, so God can reveal Himself within you, as Rumi as "one with" God within you.  Then you will find peace within His peace.  There is nothing other than this.  This is it.  May we both do it like this.  

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar. 



Enough. What a treasure, what a gift, Al-hamdu lillah.


Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon both of us, upon all of us.  May God help us all. 

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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This page was last updated on: September 2, 2002